Tuesday, January 19, 2010

float on.

I forgot how good it feels to write, to release the emotions running through your head on a daily basis. The ink to pen sensation is somewhat lost among the click of the keyboard, but all the while, the mental liberation still remains...

All the years of my life, I have never been much of a Winter person. A lot of it has to due with fashion and my iron levels. Up until now, the flip flops and skirts that frequent the Summer have always gained my attention over stuffy jackets and finger restricting gloves. But not this season. This season, I have engulfed myself in layers upon layers. Seeing how many different ways you can layer a single item satisfies my creativity a lot more than any of my feather light Summer dresses.

Summer also became my favorite season simply because of the sky high temperatures. Rather thin, my body tends to get cold easily. But this Winter, I called myself "training" my body. I wore stockings and skirts and told my body to deal with it. I am not sure if it worked but I am certain of one thing - I love Winter.

It's set to rain every day this week and I am looking forward to it. The sun was shining a lot the past two weeks and the sight of any Winter disappeared. As long as I remain indoors and don't get caught in any storm, I should be in a good mood all week.

The sounds of raindrops on the windowpane. Watching the last of the rain drop from the rooftops. Sky high boots splashing through puddles. The warmth of the heater after coming in from the crisp cold outdoors. Layers of scarves entangled on necks. Curled up in a blanket while eating warm soup.

What's not to LOVE...? While it may not be warm outside, there is a lot of warmth in Winter. It's just a bit different and magical.

p.s. Don't be surprised if come Summer months I have the urge describe how it really is my favorite season. But that's okay. There's always enough love to go around.

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